
Showing posts from April, 2021

Truth: By Whose Authority

Dear Robbie, Truth  By Whose Authority Language is the ultimate discriminator. According to scientists we begin to wire the structures of language in our brain when we are in our mother's womb. Specifically, the general consensus is that our abilities to express meaningful language structures is the result of genetically controlled development in the left hemisphere of the cerebral cortex. Enough science, this essay is about truth after all. "Wait", you shout, spitting out your coffee. "Are you stupid? Science is all about Truth!" Glad to have triggered your analytical sentiments: are you accessing your reflective system or your reactive system? Okay, okay no more taunting as it is incredibly unbecoming and reeks of hubris. I can't help it, it's how I've been wired.  I am not a scientist - I don't have the patience to belabour every single minutiae of every single point I want to make about subjects that intrigue me. Ever read Socrates theory of